Saturday, March 23, 2013

Marriage is never easy

To be in a dating relationship, it is always easy to cut it off if you woke up one day realising that this is not the love of your life..

But if you are in a marriage, that is a whole new different thing. You got married because you are committed to each other. The support a wife needs to give the husband should be 100% + 1% more than anyone else. You don't say "Let's divorced" that easily because you are not divorcing your other one, you are breaking off all relationships with the other party's family too.

The love a husband needs to give the wife is also at 100% + 1% more. You can exceed but you must never lower that percentage.

Only after being in a marriage, you will realise how hard it is to maintain. You will have loans commitment, issues to deal with and also people you need to handle and these people may not even be your spouse!

When you get older, your love dies. But your love dies because your heart is dead or flown away.

I always thought people were stupid not being able to maintain their marriage but truth is, it is difficult. It is difficult because you realise he/she is not how you think they are. It is difficult because you are not how they think you are.

To maintain the marriage, lower your expectations but at the same time, improve yourself to meet your spouse's expectation. Men, look after the kids and help with the household work. Women, learn to change the light bulb and slim down.

And if one day, you have really decided to break if all off. Recall the days that you had been through. The first flower he gave you, the first kiss you ever have, your movie date, your normal hawker dinner, the struggles you go through getting your flat, the objections from parents on your relationship, your friends' words about both of you, and the vows you made in front of your witnesses.

Always remember, you were once madly in love.. And you will eventually find the feeling back..

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