Sunday, May 15, 2005


hey hey hey..
i very happie lehs.. cux jux now i saw linghui online den she cum n tok to me..
i tink tml realli g0t w0rk lehs.. prayin hard, i dun w0rkx!!
pray to guan yin niang niang!!
i wish i dun nit work..
nvm.. linkage back to linghui..
ya, we tok abt my sk0ol.. her w0rk.. my l0st dog.. :'(
n al0ts ba..
hmm.. den later conversati0n in class meeting.. whahaha..
den nehs.. g0 0ffline l0rx.. came 0nline again.. t0 d0 the stupid business s0ftware thingy l0rx.. s0 hard t0 d0.. n t0ns m0re of h0mew0rkx..
dun w0rk tml..
den can d0 finish h0mew0rk l0rx..
i hate sk0ol.. so0o many h0mew0rkx de..
brb ba~~

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