Thursday, November 10, 2005


HAHA *sacarstically* oh gosh.. i actually believed in the good begets the good?
dear me..
i am just so dumb n stupid..
bloody idiot..
i hates every night..
i dont want to sleep..
i wish nite dont come..

yeahs!! guess wad.. i picked up a hp..
nokia 6260!! whoaaa!! cost about 300 i tink..
aiyaa.. tok long no use...

handphone not with me now..

return to owner..
haha.. n i believe in good begets good..

what the farkk..

cause some1 jus stole away my bid.
and i lost that bag..

*stabs oneself*

i dun believe in good anymore..

i rather b evil and get all the money in the world..
i rather say ur bad words out loud and get beaten..
den to b like ppl who tok bad abt me behind..
i rather to say truthly, i hate u..
den to pretend to be nice to u..

i really hate all the good..

i am beginning to love evil.
yeahs, i m matured..

i look old..
i aint no child anymore..
stop critising abt me..
i may b fat
and lots more..

but i m me..
and i love me..
i will never changed..
i certainly will not..
leave me alone...

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