Tuesday, August 30, 2005

i have a fren named huilee.. she says something that always make me wonder abt myself and her world.. are we dat different?? she always tell me i m innocent n pure that she dun understand me.. haha.. realli?? but at least she is happie abt dat!! haha..she say i never fail to put a smile on her face and say she wonder wad's my world likke.. even my colleague.. oso fren of huilee told huilee dat i quite naive.. am i?? haha.. dnno.. dey make me sound like a child being in a grown up world.. (^.^) hehe..
i guess dere's always a child in me!!! haha.. my fren always call me childish.. okiess.. dis make me tink of my secondary sk0ol day.. i never fail to jump around.. blahs.. haha.. de day b4 econs.. huilee ask me one thing.. she ask me wad's my rule in life.. as in some rule i set for myself.. haha.. i told her the 1st one she already -_-'
cus i say.. ish to never throw rubbish on the ground!! cant litter!! haha.. n never to waste food.. whahahhaa.. jessica noe dis.. she always ssay me everytime pick up de food i drop on the floor n eat.. hahahaha.. aiyaa.. wastage is not good lorr.. nt i glutton.. but tink of those that cnt eat.. u should count ur blessings.. hahah.. i make sure when i row up.. i will provide food to may ppl as possible!!! my dream : to go around the world and help the needy.. be with the poor.. teach the uneducated.. strave wib the stravings ppl.. i wan dat.. i truly do.. but......... i m a useless fo0l.. dat has f0olish dreams..
den she say.. notthese lahs... ish wad u tink ish impt to u towards ppl.. den i say ish to keep quiet..
i say silence is g0lden.. this meanss.. when u har ppl tok bad abt ppl.. u should not add on too much.. keep quiet.. (unless is gossipiin wib my best fren, gladi!!!!!!! abt u noe hu n hu.. whahahahahaha.. or to yolanda n jjessica!!) hahaha.. not to say bad things laa.. dat's it.. but i lways tok to gladi de ish not gossip.. ish concern for her.. i realli dun wan her to go the wrong way.. she must study laaaa.. sighsss.. y cant humans be more simple..
mayb becus i had seen more in life?? but impossible.. i m still a child.. a 16 year old underage ger..
curious abt everthin in the world.. sighsss..
but i jus noe.. i m beinging to love huilee.. although ppl dun like her.. buti do.. she ish not dat bad.. u just nit to accept a person lorrr.. hahaha.. but i tell u.. in my heart.. i will never forget the 6 people in my life.. gladi, yolanda, jessica, ling, ting, jia.. whahahahahahahaha.. but i guess.. they already forgot the past.. n will never go n touch that memory ever again.. :'(

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