have you ever thought how angels might look like?
Angels (Defination) : A benevolent celestial being (in Greek, it means 'messenger')
To the right, i showed a picture of an angel looking down at the children. Angel is a benevolent celestial being. It is also the most wonderful thing i had ever met. And the angels that i met are actually real human beings, with flesh and blood. Not any celestial being i cannot touch...
I begin my road down life and the first angels i met were my parents. My parents are such benevolent beings that i wonder how they ever cope with me. When i was a kid, i did many mischievous actions yet they still forgive me. I like to spent away their money. Yet, they still quietly give me theirs for me to spend. When i got into trouble, they will always be the first to stand up for me. Acting as my guardian angel, they will never allow any satanic beings to influence me. When i grew older, i felt that they were a disgrace to me. Although they got angry, but, they always make themselves sacare whenever my friends were around. Sometimes, i even hurled abuses at them. They will scold me.. But i knew, words that i said will always stayed within their heart. It must have hurt them greatly throughout the years. These were the sacrifices my Angels did for me.
The next Angel that i met on the road was my best friends. There was a time when people don't understand me, but a particular person from the crowd stood up for me. She didn't look down on me like others do. She stayed with me everyday. No matter rain or shine, she will accompany me home. I was still a kid then. But never will i forget the loyalty of hers. I proceed to the secondary level. I met many great friends that i will never forget. Angels around me do quarrel. Angels get seperated. But, always, these angels will be remembered by me.
The last angel i met is him. He taught me how to love, how to appreciate people and things. He let me learnt that whatever it is, we must never judge a book by its appearance. He allow me into his world and to read the book that pages had never been turn over before. My whole cycle of meeting angels stop at him. And, now, this angel will complete my life and be with me forever...